Several years ago a group of community connectors I was part of partnered with several groups in Vancouver to develop and host a community photography event. The premise being that stories and pictures build community and create understanding and through them. Neighbors who had taken different roads to create a home in Vancouver were able to share memories and create a lived history of place and space. Project CLIC: Creating Liveable and Interactive Communities was aimed at creating more welcoming and inclusive neighbourhoods by exploring the stories, photographs and experiences of citizens, one ‘clic’ at a time.
Twenty-two people came together to share pizza together and talk about the ideas for the project. Each person was paired with a partner, given a disposable camera, a list of suggestions to guide them and a photo story form to record their experiences and stories. Suggestions from the list included things like: something that makes you laugh, a place you love to go, something you would love to learn more about, what this community needs. Throughout the next two weeks, each photojournalist chose from the list of questions and took 12 photographs. Then they arranged to get the camera to their photo buddy so they could shoot their 12 images. My photo buddy and I met for coffee on a Saturday morning and she shared what the experience was like for and how different it was using a disposable camera instead of cell phone.
At the wrap up and celebration, each of the photographers and their guests were invited to a dinner to view the photographs and share stories. In small groups we discussed the photos and reflected on what they say about the community we live in and the experiences of our neighbours. The conversation was lively, emotional and supported us in getting to better know one another and hearing about everyone’s experience of our neighborhood.
Project Clic was animated by Little Mountain Neighbourhood House, Van City, Fresh Slice Pizza, ABCD Vancouver and the citizens of Mount Pleasant.